


The cropping is not matching my photo?

Please be aware that you can choose two different types of cropping: 16/9 and 3/4.
You will find the two cropping options under the upload function in step 2.

My photo is not in my ad?

Please check if you have pressed the “Upload” button under the cropping area in step 2.

My video is not in my ad?

Please check if you have pressed the “Upload” button under the link box in step 3.

If this is not helping, check that you have copied the correct URL from YouTube. If you have copied it from the dashboard on your YouTube channel, the URL should not start with “Studio.youtube.com/(..)” but with “http://youtu(..)”

Can I upload videos directly from my computer to JustHorsies?

To add a video, you need to upload the video to YouTube first and then follow our video link guide in step 3.

I cannot choose the level for my horse in sales ads?

Please be aware that you must choose height for your horse before you choosing level.
This is because our system differentiates between horse and pony levels.

I cannot publish my ad (Buyer profile, sales ad and Teaser)?

Please be aware that you must buy a subscription before publishing your ad.

You can buy subscription under the menu item “Subscription”. Please note that you can create an unlimited number of ads in the period you have subscripted for, so you only need to buy one subscription for the period.

I have finished my horse sales ad, but it is not published?

Please note that if you haven’t pressed Publish directly in the summary step, you can publish your ad in your dashboard by clicking on the “Publish” button on the card for the ad in question.

I have finished my Buyer profiles, but it is not published?

Please note that you need to press the “publish” button in your dashboard on the card for the ad in question.

I have finished my Teaser, but it is not published?

Please note that you need to press the “publish” button in your dashboard on the card for the ad in question.

I can not create a Teaser?

Please note, in order to create a Teaser, you need an active subscription, and there must be at least seven (7) days until the expiration day.


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