
Spanish Horse Gelding

ID number: Spanish Horse Gelding
Title: Spanish Horse Gelding
Age: 8 year(s)
Gender: Gelding
Breed: PRE (pura raza EspaƱola)
Height: 164 cm.
Vetting comments: Purebred Spanish Horse Age: 8 years Height: 1.64 cm State: Gelding Characteristics: Super noble and easy to handle, ideal for both beginners and more experienced riders. His sweet temperament and gentle disposition make him a perfect companion for any activity.
Location: Malaga, Spain

Purebred Spanish Horse


Age: 8 years

Height: 1.64 cm

State: Gelding

Characteristics: Super noble and easy to handle, ideal for both beginners and more experienced riders. His sweet temperament and gentle disposition make him a perfect companion for any activity.

Name: Lala
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