
Making the transition easier for your new horse


Making the transition easier for your new horse

In a sale, a horse typically undergoes many changes: a new stable, new “horse friends,” a new rider, new feed, new equipment, and so on. You can greatly assist your new horse by making the transition as smooth as possible.

Here are some tips:

  • Discuss daily routines: Talk with the seller about the horse’s daily routines, habits, and turnout times. Try to follow these routines as closely as possible initially.
  • Consider temporary stabling: If possible, allow the horse to stay at its current stable facility for a period.
  • Bring feed: If the horse must switch to new feed, bring some of its current feed for the first few days to ease the transition.
  • Equipment: If feasible, bring the horse’s saddle and bit(s) with you. If not possible, either buy similar ones or have your saddle and bit(s) checked by a professional to ensure it fits the new horse properly.
  • Getting new “horse friends”: If the horse will be turned out with others, avoid placing it directly into a large, established group. Allow it to meet new companions gradually.
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