
Good advices when trying horses

In order for the presentation to be as successful and relevant as possible for both buyer, seller and horse it can be a good idea to clarify some certain matters.

For Danish see below.

Before you arrange a sales presentation:

  • Make sure that you have all the relevant information about the horse that might affect your interest in the horse before you arrange a sales presentation.
    • vetting status if that is relevant for your interest in the horse
    • Price – can you afford the horse for the price that seller asks?
    • Does the horse have any vices that can affect you interest in the horse?
    • Are there any matters in the horse's history that are particularly important for you as a buyer to know about? E.g. is it important for you that the horse is easy to load, can be ridden in traffic etc.

It takes a lot of time for the seller to present a horse, and it also often requires a lot from the horse when it is presented and test ridden, so make sure that there are no circumstances that might affect your interest that cannot be clarified before the presentation.

When you have arranged the presentation:

  • Do you want to participate when the horse is getting groomed and tacked up and is it possible to participate?
  • Do you want to see the horse presented under rider first?

After the presentation:

  • Make sure to let the seller know afterwards whether you are interested in the horse or not.
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